24  Biomechanics and Sports Engineering

The Biomechanics and Sports Engineering page provides a curated collection of resources. Included here is a list of books, tutorials, and personal blogs and websites.

24.1 Biomechanics

24.1.1 Curated collection of resources

  1. A curated repository of biomechanical resources

24.1.2 Personal Blogs and Websites

  1. Stuart McErlain-Naylor Biomechanics Website

24.1.3 Labs

24.1.4 Books

  1. Biomechanics of Movement
  2. The Biomechanics of Solids and Fluids: The Physics of Life

24.1.5 Tutorials and Lectures

  1. Biomechanics of Movement Classroom
  2. Reinbolt Research Group
  3. Notes on Scientific Computing for Biomechanics and Motor Control
  4. Understanding Biomechanics and Body Movement
  5. The Biomechanist

24.1.6 Sports Engineering and Movement Science

  1. Becoming a Sports Engineer
  2. Peak Performance Project
  3. BTS Bioengineering
  4. Sparta Science