8  Statistics

This page provides a comprehensive collection of resources on statistics. Included here is a list of links to books, lectures and courses, and tutorials focused on statistics.

8.0.1 Books

  1. Introduction to Modern Statistics
  2. Causal Inference: What If (Hernan MA)
  3. Bayes Rules!
  4. Causal Inference: The Mixtape
  5. Seeing Theory
  6. Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats)
  7. Modern Statistics with R
  8. Introduction to Probability for Data Science
  9. Intro to Bayesian Business Analytics
  10. Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R
  11. Statistical rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse
  12. Bayes Rules! An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling
  13. Lessons in Statistical Thinking
  14. Think Bayes
  15. Think Stats
  16. An R companion to Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century
  17. Causal Inference in R

8.0.2 Personal Websites and Blogs

  1. Statistical Thinking

8.0.3 Lectures and Courses

  1. Statistics 110: Probability
  2. Statistical Computing
  3. The Grammar of Experimental Design
  4. Program Evaluation for Public Service and Research Design
  5. STA 363: Statistical Learning
  6. STA 312: Linear Models
  7. STA 212: Statistical Models
  8. Statistics 431: Advanced Statistical Computing with R
  9. GUide to STatistical Analysis in Microbial Ecology (GUSTA ME)
  10. Regression Modelling in R

8.0.4 Tutorials

  1. Welcome to A/B Testing at Scale Tutorial
  2. Causation and Correlation
  3. An Introduction to Hierarchical Modeling
  4. Tidy Statistics in R
  5. Statistics and R
  6. Tidy dataframes and statsExpressions
  7. Power Analysis | Introduction in R
  8. metrica: Prediction performance metrics
  9. Bayes Explained 1
  10. Bayes Explained 2
  11. CausalImpact
  12. How to interpret a p-value histogram
  13. Shiny Apps for demystifying statistical methods

8.0.5 Troubleshooting

  1. Statistical Problems to Document and to Avoid
  2. Datamethods

8.0.6 Biostatistics

  1. Biostatistics for Biomedical Research
  2. Tutorials in Biostatistics Papers
  3. Biostatistics Series Papers
  4. WCM Biostatistics Computing Club
  5. Katherine (Kat) Hoffman Biostats
  6. Statistics for Biologists I
  7. Statistics for Biologists II