14  Data Visualization (R)

This page contains a list of resources focused on data visualization in R. There are links to books, templates, tutorials, and courses. Additionally, for those interested in using coding for art, there is a section on “Data aRtistry.”

14.2 Books

  1. An introduction to data visualization protocols for wet lab scientists
  2. Cookbook for R
  3. R Graphics Cookbook
  4. Modern Data Visualization with R
  5. Data visualisation using R, for researchers who don’t use R
  6. Fundamentals of Data Visualization
  7. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
  8. R4DS Data Visualization
  9. Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny
  10. BBC Visual and Data Journalism cookbook for R graphics
  11. ggplot2

14.3 Templates

  2. The R Graph Gallery
  3. ggplot2 extensions
  4. A Scientist’s Guide to R: Step 3.1 - data visualization with ggplot2+
  5. ggplot tricks
  6. Designing ggplots
  7. BBC Style Plot Templates
  8. a ggplot2 grammar guide
  9. Tom’s Cookbook for Better Viz
  10. 12 ggplot extensions for snazzier R graphics
  11. Data Visualization Packages for R you should check out in 2022
  12. USGS VizLab
  13. Jazz up your ggplots!

14.4 Courses

  1. Graphic Design with ggplot2
  2. Data Visualization in R
  3. Data Visualization
  4. SDS 375: Data Visualization in R

14.5 Tutorials and Notes

14.5.1 Basics

  1. Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (With Full R Code)
  2. The Complete ggplot2 Tutorial - Part1 | Introduction To ggplot2 (Full R code)
  3. Best ggplot visualizations
  4. A quick introduction to ggplot2
  5. Getting started with data visualization in R using ggplot2
  6. The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)
  7. A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R
  8. ggplot2tutor
  9. The ggplot flibbook
  10. Getting started with data visualization in R using ggplot2
  11. ggplot2: Mastering the basics
  12. Graphing with ggplot
  13. 10 Levels of ggplot2: From Basic to Beautiful
  14. Practical ggplot2
  15. Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet
  16. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: how (not) to visualize data
  17. Six things I always Google when using ggplot2
  18. Visualise a billion rows of data in R with Apache Arrow
  19. Recreating the Storytelling with Data look with ggplot
  20. Bar plot checklist

14.5.2 Troubleshooting

  1. Common R Mistakes in Data Viz

14.5.3 Enhancing Plots (with Labels, Axes, Themes, Scales, and Other Options)

  1. Quick and easy ways to deal with long labels in ggplot2
  2. Making text labels the same size as axis labels in ggplot2
  3. Labelling area plots
  4. Level Up Your Labels: Tips and Tricks for Annotating Plots
  5. Increase & Decrease Number of Axis Ticks in R (2 Examples)
  6. ggplot2 Theme Elements Demonstration
  7. How to use multiple colour scales in ggplot with {ggnewscale}
  8. Spruce up your ggplot2 visualizations with formatted text
  9. Themes to Improve Your ggplot figures
  10. How to Add Labels Directly in ggplot2
  11. Generate your own ggplot theme gallery
  12. ggpattern
  13. {ggtext} for images as x-axis labels
  15. ggplot theme tester
  16. Introducing ‘optout’ - A package for optimizing graphics output
  17. ggcute
  18. Radial Patterns in ggplot2
  19. Reordering and facetting for ggplot2
  20. Accelerate your plots with ggforce
  21. ggrapid
  22. Patchwork R package goes nerd viral
  23. ggthemes
  24. htmlwidgets
  25. ggchicklet
  26. ggplot date helpers
  27. 12 Extensions to ggplot2 for More Powerful R Visualizations
  28. Improving a Visualization
  29. ggplot theme for publication ready Plots
  31. How to Use hjust & vjust to Move Elements in ggplot2
  32. What do hjust and vjust do when making a plot using ggplot
  33. Top R Color Palettes to Know for Great Data Visualization
  34. A Quick How-to on Labelling Bar Graphs in ggplot2
  35. Avoid overlapping text with ggrepel
  36. Theme elements
  37. ggplot2 Theme Elements Reference Sheet
  38. Understanding text size and resolution in ggplot2

14.5.4 Various graph types

  1. Creating flowcharts with {ggplot2}
  2. Dendrograms in R, a lightweight approach
  3. Racing Barchart with gganimate
  4. Racing Barplots with {ggpattern}, {flagon} & {gganimate}
  5. R base plotting without wrappers
  6. How to basic: bar plots
  7. Network Visualizations in R
  8. Great Looking Tables
  9. ggplot2 Bar Chart
  10. How to build Animated Charts like Hans Rosling — doing it all in R
  11. How to create Bar Race Animation Charts in R
  12. Animating Your Data Visualizations Like a Boss Using R
  13. barbarplots
  14. Dynamic display of data with animated plots
  15. Beginners Cookbook for Interactive Visualization in R with highcharter
  16. Combining maps and patterns
  17. Sketchy waffle charts in R
  18. How to use emoji in ggplot2 scatter plot
  19. An Introduction to emojifont package

14.5.5 Great Tables

  1. The Design Philosophy of Great Tables
  2. The grammar of tables in python (pandas) and R (gt)
  3. Various Table Types in R
  4. gtsummary
  5. gtExtras

14.6 Good Data Viz Examples

  1. Can I do that? Inspiration from a Pudding data visualization
  2. Visualizing the heterogeneity of single cell data from time-lapse imaging
  3. the seven living generations in America
  4. William Chase - Data Viz Projects
  5. Visualizing real house price plots
  6. State Unemployment Claims
  7. A look into U.S. infectious diseases
  8. NYT-style urban heat island maps
  9. Ryo Viz Data Viz Gallery
  10. Reproducing an Axios plot
  11. Create a Visual CV
  12. Visualize monthly precipitation anomalies
  13. Inspiration from Flowing Data
  14. Visualizing Time Series
  15. Visualising high-dimensional data
  16. Data Storytelling in R
  17. Great Table: Cultivated Planet

14.7 Data aRtistry

  1. Getting started in #rtistry
  3. Life Through A Mathematician’s Eyes
  4. aRt
  5. Rtistry Gallery
  6. Art by Claus O. Wilke
  7. Unpredictable paintings
  8. Mystery curves
  9. Flow Fields