14 Data Visualization (R)
This page contains a list of resources focused on data visualization in R. There are links to books, templates, tutorials, and courses. Additionally, for those interested in using coding for art, there is a section on “Data aRtistry.”
14.1 Curated Links by other data viz specialists
14.2 Books
- An introduction to data visualization protocols for wet lab scientists
- Cookbook for R
- R Graphics Cookbook
- Modern Data Visualization with R
- Data visualisation using R, for researchers who don’t use R
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization
- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
- R4DS Data Visualization
- Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny
- BBC Visual and Data Journalism cookbook for R graphics
- ggplot2
14.3 Templates
- The R Graph Gallery
- ggplot2 extensions
- A Scientist’s Guide to R: Step 3.1 - data visualization with ggplot2+
- ggplot tricks
- Designing ggplots
- BBC Style Plot Templates
- a ggplot2 grammar guide
- Tom’s Cookbook for Better Viz
- 12 ggplot extensions for snazzier R graphics
- Data Visualization Packages for R you should check out in 2022
- USGS VizLab
- Jazz up your ggplots!
14.4 Courses
14.5 Tutorials and Notes
14.5.1 Basics
- Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (With Full R Code)
- The Complete ggplot2 Tutorial - Part1 | Introduction To ggplot2 (Full R code)
- Best ggplot visualizations
- A quick introduction to ggplot2
- Getting started with data visualization in R using ggplot2
- The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1)
- A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R
- ggplot2tutor
- The ggplot flibbook
- Getting started with data visualization in R using ggplot2
- ggplot2: Mastering the basics
- Graphing with ggplot
- 10 Levels of ggplot2: From Basic to Beautiful
- Practical ggplot2
- Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: how (not) to visualize data
- Six things I always Google when using ggplot2
- Visualise a billion rows of data in R with Apache Arrow
- Recreating the Storytelling with Data look with ggplot
- Bar plot checklist
14.5.2 Troubleshooting
14.5.3 Enhancing Plots (with Labels, Axes, Themes, Scales, and Other Options)
- Quick and easy ways to deal with long labels in ggplot2
- Making text labels the same size as axis labels in ggplot2
- Labelling area plots
- Level Up Your Labels: Tips and Tricks for Annotating Plots
- Increase & Decrease Number of Axis Ticks in R (2 Examples)
- ggplot2 Theme Elements Demonstration
- How to use multiple colour scales in ggplot with {ggnewscale}
- Spruce up your ggplot2 visualizations with formatted text
- Themes to Improve Your ggplot figures
- How to Add Labels Directly in ggplot2
- Generate your own ggplot theme gallery
- ggpattern
- {ggtext} for images as x-axis labels
- ggplot theme tester
- Introducing ‘optout’ - A package for optimizing graphics output
- ggcute
- Radial Patterns in ggplot2
- Reordering and facetting for ggplot2
- Accelerate your plots with ggforce
- ggrapid
- Patchwork R package goes nerd viral
- ggthemes
- htmlwidgets
- ggchicklet
- ggplot date helpers
- 12 Extensions to ggplot2 for More Powerful R Visualizations
- Improving a Visualization
- ggplot theme for publication ready Plots
- How to Use hjust & vjust to Move Elements in ggplot2
- What do hjust and vjust do when making a plot using ggplot
- Top R Color Palettes to Know for Great Data Visualization
- A Quick How-to on Labelling Bar Graphs in ggplot2
- Avoid overlapping text with ggrepel
- Theme elements
- ggplot2 Theme Elements Reference Sheet
- Understanding text size and resolution in ggplot2
14.5.4 Various graph types
- Creating flowcharts with {ggplot2}
- Dendrograms in R, a lightweight approach
- Racing Barchart with gganimate
- Racing Barplots with {ggpattern}, {flagon} & {gganimate}
- R base plotting without wrappers
- How to basic: bar plots
- Network Visualizations in R
- Great Looking Tables
- ggplot2 Bar Chart
- How to build Animated Charts like Hans Rosling — doing it all in R
- How to create Bar Race Animation Charts in R
- Animating Your Data Visualizations Like a Boss Using R
- barbarplots
- Dynamic display of data with animated plots
- Beginners Cookbook for Interactive Visualization in R with highcharter
- Combining maps and patterns
- Sketchy waffle charts in R
- How to use emoji in ggplot2 scatter plot
- An Introduction to emojifont package
14.5.5 Great Tables
14.6 Good Data Viz Examples
- Can I do that? Inspiration from a Pudding data visualization
- Visualizing the heterogeneity of single cell data from time-lapse imaging
- the seven living generations in America
- William Chase - Data Viz Projects
- Visualizing real house price plots
- State Unemployment Claims
- A look into U.S. infectious diseases
- NYT-style urban heat island maps
- Ryo Viz Data Viz Gallery
- Reproducing an Axios plot
- Create a Visual CV
- Visualize monthly precipitation anomalies
- Inspiration from Flowing Data
- Visualizing Time Series
- Visualising high-dimensional data
- Data Storytelling in R
- Great Table: Cultivated Planet