19  Generative AI and Large Language Models (Part 1)

This page provides a comprehensive collection of … . On this page, you will find a list of personal websites and blogs that do some great work in … . Additionally, there is a list of resources (books, tutorials, and blogs) focused on the basics of …

19.1 Basics

19.1.1 Primers

  1. AI Canon
  2. The Illustrated Transformer
  3. 7 Steps to Mastering Large Language Models (LLMs)
  4. ChatGPT Resources
  5. Catching up on the weird world of LLMs
  6. Understanding Large Language Models
  7. Cohere LLM University
  8. What are LLMs, and how are they used in generative AI?

19.1.2 Courses

  1. Generative AI for Beginners (Version 2)

19.1.3 Tokenization

  1. Language model tokenization
  2. GPT Tokenizer
  3. Tokenization in Different Domains

19.2 Applications

19.2.1 Curated List of Tools

  1. FutureTools
  2. FuturePedia
  3. There’s an AI for That

19.2.2 Prompt Engineering

  1. Best practices for prompt engineering with the OpenAI API
  2. Prompt Engineering Guide
  3. Crafting Effective Prompts
  4. What is Prompt Engineering?
  5. Prompt Engineering Guide
  6. AI Prompt Engineering Tutorials and Resources
  7. Roadmap of Becoming a Prompt Engineer (2023)

19.2.3 GPT Writing Detectors (disclaimer: not 100% perfect)

  1. Writefull
  2. ZeroGPT
  3. GPTZero
  4. AI Detector
  5. Writer AI Content Detector

19.2.4 LLMs and Coding

  1. The Power of ChatGPT Code Interpreter
  2. 8 ChatGPT tools for R programming
  3. How I Created a Data Visualization With Zero Coding Skills, Thanks to ChatGPT

19.2.5 Building LLM Apps

  1. Building LLM applications for production
  2. Multimodality and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs)

19.2.6 LLMs and Healthcare/Biology

  1. Medical AI Research Foundations
  2. Large Language Models in Molecular Biology
  3. Deep learning on computational biology and bioinformatics tutorial
  4. Using AlphaFold to model the MDM2-p53 complex
  5. The Basic Tools of the Deep Life Sciences