5  Shiny

This page provides a comprehensive collection of Shiny resources. On this page, you will find a list of personal websites and blogs that do some great work in R Shiny. Additionally, there is a list of resources (books, tutorials, and blogs) focused on the basics of Shiny.

5.1 R Shiny

5.1.1 Basics

  1. a gRadual intRoduction to Shiny
  2. Shiny Learning Resources
  3. How to Start a Career as an R Shiny Developer
  4. Shiny Apps development
  5. The World’s Most Advanced R Shiny Dashboards

5.1.2 Books

  1. Mastering Shiny
  2. Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps
  3. Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny

5.1.3 Tutorials

  1. Shiny Tutorials
  2. Building Web Applications WITH SHINY
  3. Building Shiny apps - an interactive tutorial
  4. Building Interactive World Maps in Shiny
  5. A webR powered Shiny app

5.1.4 Tools

  1. HTML widgets flexdashboard
  2. htmlwidgets for R
  3. RinteRface: HTML templates for Shiny
  4. Loading screens for Shiny: waiter
  5. shinyscholar

5.1.5 Examples

  1. Shiny in Life Sciences