9  Public Datasets

This page provides a comprehensive collection of resources on datasets that can be used for statistical analysis, machine learning, and data journalism. The page includes curated collections of free and open data sources, industry-specific data, and multiple public data sources.

9.1 Working with Data

  1. Data Literacy
  2. Using Data Appropriately
  3. Sharing Data
  4. WTF CSV Data Organization
  5. Data Cleaning

9.2 Free and Open Data

  1. Open Africa Data
  2. Data Africa
  3. Our World in Data
  4. California Data Sources
  5. DataSF
  6. NYC Open Data
  7. The Humanitarian Data Exchange
  8. Global Data Barometer
  9. Microsoft Research Open Data
  10. Awesome Public Datasets
  11. Multiple Public Data Sources
  12. Data Science Central Datasets
  13. 70 Amazing Free Data Sources You Should Know
  14. Rebecca Barter - List of Public Data Repositories
  15. GapMinder

9.3 Afro-Specific Data

  1. Black Wealth Data Center
  2. Africa Data Hub
  3. Black Demographics
  4. New Population Counts for 62 Detailed Black or African American Groups
  5. African American Studies at Princeton
  6. HBCU Rankings
  7. HBCU Stats
  8. Origin Source of Black Immigrants
  9. About 6 million U.S. adults identify as Afro-Latino
  10. Obesity in the African-American Community
  11. The economic state of Black America: What is and what could be
  12. Cancer statistics for African American/Black People 2022
  13. Resident population of the United States by race from 2000 to 2022
  14. Health of Black or African American non-Hispanic Population
  15. Black/African American Health
  16. HIV on Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the U.S.

9.4 Machine Learning Training Data

  1. Datasets for Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  2. Best Public Datasets for Machine Learning and Data Science
  3. Machine Learning Food Datasets Collection
  4. Datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning
  5. R Datasets
  6. Kaggle Datasets
  7. Google Research Datasets

9.5 Industry-Specific Data

  1. NHS R-community Datasets
  2. Infectious Diseases Data Observatory
  3. Inside Airbnb
  4. School Shootings USA
  5. Political Datasets
  6. Eighty-Five Points Sports Data
  7. Poverty and Inequality Platform API
  8. Nasdaq Data Link
  9. Analyze Survey Data for Free
  10. Global Clinical Research Data
  11. Google Community Mobility Reports
  12. 15 Open Datasets for Healthcare
  13. Demographic and Health Surveys
  14. FiveThirtyEight Data
  15. StatsBomb Open Data
  16. NCD Risk Factor Datasets
  17. Food Systems Dashboard
  18. Global Energy Monitor