20  General Teaching Resources

The general teaching resources page provides resources focused on teaching STEM subjects, as well as links to teaching aids for more efficient teaching.

20.1 Teaching STEM Subjects

20.1.1 A curated collection of resources

  1. Teaching Tech Together
  2. Maintaining a laboratory notebook
  3. Subjects and Skills for Graduate Students in the Biological Sciences
  4. Scientific Figure Design
  5. The Mediocre Programmer
  6. Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
  7. Spurious Correlations and Associated Papers
  8. Wonder Tools Teaching Toolkit
  9. Wonder Tools Blog by Jeremy Caplan
  10. Making Annotated Presentations
  11. OTTR - GitHub sites and courses for busy people
  12. Loqui: A Shiny app for Creating Automated Videos

20.1.2 Preventing Cognitive Overload

  1. Reducing Cognitive Overload While Teaching
  2. Give Your Brain a Break—Course Design Tips to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed
  3. A programmer’s cognitive load
  4. How do you use the redundancy principle to avoid cognitive overload?
  5. Designing Project-Based Learning to Decrease Cognitive Load
  6. Cognitive Load Theory And Instructional Design
  7. 11 Science-Backed Ways to Prevent Cognitive Overload in eLearning

20.2 Teaching Aids

20.2.1 Typing Test

  1. Keyboard Test
  2. Typing Test

20.2.2 Simulations

  1. Physics Education and Training Simulations
  2. Circuit simulation and schematics
  3. Interactive STEM activities
  4. GeoGebra for Teaching and Learning Math
  5. GeoGebra Simulations

20.2.3 Online Textbooks

  1. Free and flexible textbooks and resources
  2. College Physics

20.2.4 Design and Illustrations

  1. One Page Website
  2. Illustrations
  3. BioRender Learning Hub
  4. Beautiful Free Stock Video Footage

20.2.5 Miscellaneous Tools

  1. Whiteboard
  2. Etherpad
  3. Active Memory
  4. Scientific Place
  5. Sounds of Colleagues